
루이 로페즈(Ruy Lopez) 기초

29 • AbsentSun •
  1. 배경지식
  2. 폰 따는 게 그리 간단하진 않아
  3. 모피 디펜스
  4. Ruy Lopez: Open
  1. AbsentSun

The ruy Lopez move by move d3 var.

1 • Vexcel7 •
  1. Capitolo 9
  2. 4.Nf6 6.Be7 Anderssen Variation Carlesen - Topalov
  3. N.McDonald-B.Savage
  4. 4.Nf6 6.Bc5 (Møller) set-up
  1. Vexcel7

Ruy lopez

5 • Shriram_Ponnengala •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Chigorin Variation
  3. Breyer Variation
  4. Smyslov Variation
  1. Shriram_Ponnengala

루이로페즈 DMZ 갬빗

6 • Jegymaster •
  1. 메인 라인(함정 성공)
  2. c3 바리에이션
  3. c3 바리에이션(2)
  4. a3 바리에이션
  1. Jegymaster

Ruy Lopez

1 • gooier •
  1. Main Line
  2. Morphy Defense
  3. Morphy Defense: Exchange Varation
  4. Morphy Defense: Arkhangelsk Variation
  1. gooier

Ruy lopez

1 • ruhaan_100 •
  1. Berlin defense nxe5 mistake variation
  2. Berlin defense if they did not take pawn and simply castle
  3. Berlin defense best move If they trade knights
  4. Berlin defense if they capture the pawn
  1. ruhaan_100

Ruy Lopez mai repertoire

1 • Vexcel7 •
  1. MY repertoire
  2. Old Steiniz var
  3. Ruy Lopez d4 break 6. Be6
  4. Ruy Lopez d4 break
  1. Vexcel7

Ruy Lopez Lupo Alberto var.

1 • Vexcel7 •
  1. ruy trees
  2. Old Steiniz var
  3. Main line LUPO ALB 5.d4 exd4
  4. Main line LUPO ALB 5.d4 b5 (CARO TRANSPO)
  1. Vexcel7

Ruy Lopez

1 • Vexcel7 •
  1. 3. d6 Steinitz
  2. 3. f5 Schliemann
  3. Deferred Steinitz #1
  4. Anti-Berlin - 4.d3 d6
  1. Vexcel7


3 • Talhaborafirat •
  1. Sicilya Savunması
  2. Fırat , Talha Bora- Osmanusta , Taha
  3. Talhaborafirat - CentralizeTheKnight
  1. Talhaborafirat0923
  2. Talhaborafirat

1.e4 e5 Repertoire for Black 2.0

494 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - Exchange with 5.O-O
  3. Ruy Lopez - Exchange 5th move sidelines
  4. Ruy Lopez - 5.d3
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

Madara11111111's Study

1 • Madara11111111 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. Madara11111111

Ruy Lopez

117 • K1N6M4K3R •
  1. introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - move by move
  3. Ruy Lopez - practice
  4. Ruy Lopez - analysis
  1. K1N6M4K3R

WIN with the Ruy Lopez!

731 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. How to Study this Study
  3. Section 1: Closed Mainlines
  4. 9...Na5 Chigorin with 11...Qc7
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

Ruy Lopez openings

2 • WinningBuffalo •
  1. Ruy Lopez Draw
  2. Ruy Lopez What Stockfish says
  3. Ruy Lopez Berlin
  4. Ruy Lopez
  1. WinningBuffalo

🇪🇦 Ruy Lopez 🐮

1228 • heyucatchthis •
  1. The Ruy Lopez
  2. The Ruy Lopez: Closed
  3. The Ruy Lopez: Closed, Breyer
  4. The Ruy Lopez: Closed, Chigorin Defense
  1. heyucatchthis